Windsor – Marine Connection’s dolphin has been involved in campaigns since the 1980s and never misses an opportunity to turn up to speak out for cetaceans. Today he joined 500 people on the main beach at Nairn in the Moray Firth area of Scotland to support the campaign against plans by Cromarty Port Authority to perform ship to ship transfers of crude and other oils, in the Moray Firth – home to a resident population of bottlenose dolphins, harbour porpoises and other marine/bird life. If the plans are authorised not only will the local marine life be at risk but also the future of local businesses who depend upon the area for their livelihoods and the communities as a whole. The plans have been challenged by Marine Connection, Cromarty Rising, other NGOs, local residents, a coalition of local community councils and politicians from around the Moray/Cromarty Firth area – who all agree this is the wrong plan in the wrong place and are calling for the application to be refused.