Waterland, Mundo Marino the company which currently operates a marine park holding dolphins and sealions in Isla Margarita, Venezuela recently applied to build a dolphinarium in Chichipe, Salinas in the…
Colleague Karen Munro, a resident of Scrabster in the north of Scotland had a pleasant surprise recently when she spotted some dolphins close to her home. After capturing several images…
Two more new-born dolphins called Merlin and Tinsel have died in Adelaide’s Port River (Australia) over the past week and the death rate is now exceeding the natural rate expected…
Forty kilograms of selected plastic debris have been found inside the stomach of a juvenile Cuvier’s beaked whale which recently washed ashore dead in Barangay Cadunan, Philippines. The necropsy revealed…
A large ‘ghost net’ was recently washed up on Marazion beach in Cornwall, UK. Ghost netting is a term used to describe nets lost or deliberately left in the ocean…
Head of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine, Ostap Semerak recently announced that plans have been put in place for a 2-year project to conduct an aerial…
A new species of killer whale may have been discovered after two dozen distinctively different orcas were found off southern Chile – scientists are waiting for DNA results to confirm…
Marine Connection continues to support calls to the government of Jamaica to withdraw their approval for the construction of a new captive dolphin facility near Puerto Seco beach after a…
A final decision has yet to be made over the fate of the captive whales held in what is known as Russia’s ‘Sea Prison’. Deputy Prime of Russia Minister Alexei…
On Sunday 4 August 2019 why not join thousands of other cycling enthusiasts for the Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100 to help raise funds to support Marine Connection’s work to protect dolphins…