A humpback whale, which died on a NSW mid-north coast beach, Australia had dragged fishing gear/ ropes more than 1,700 kilometres. The whale was initially freed from its entanglement but…
A humpback whale, which died on a NSW mid-north coast beach, Australia had dragged fishing gear/ ropes more than 1,700 kilometres. The whale was initially freed from its entanglement but…
China’s largest marine park operator, Haichang Ocean Parks Holdings, has been in discussion with several mainland state-owned infrastructure builders, to develop three to four ocean parks along China’s new silk…
The theme park on Yas Island will be an indoor attraction so that it can attract visitors year-round. The first SeaWorld park developed without orcas, it will integrate up-close animal…
A record number of dolphin babies have been born this year in the Sarasota Bay area. During the 2017 calving season, 19 calves have been documented and these calves joined…
Scottish Government-led Partnership for Action Against Wildlife Crime Scotland (PAW Scotland) is urging boat and marine craft operators to respect Scotland’s marine wildlife after reports of operators getting too close…
The two belugas currently held at Changfeng Ocean World in Shanghai, China are to be moved to a sanctuary in the Westman Islands, Iceland. UK based Merlin Entertainments acquired the…
We know many of you dedicate your time to stand up or step out at rallies around the world for whales and dolphins and we think those campaigning feet deserve…
Following the launch of our ‘Design A Bead’ for Marine Connection competition in association with Nalu Beads on 21 June, we have been delighted with the response, receiving some truly…
SeaWorld recently told a California federal court that investors in a lawsuit are attempting to mislead the court by objecting to a confidentiality order, saying the theme park company’s confidential…
An important habitat for New Zealand’s only known population of critically endangered blue whale is now at risk from destructive seabed mining after an Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) ruling. Trans…
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