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China now holds more orcas in captivity than the USA

By December 20, 2024February 7th, 2025No Comments

China Cetacean Alliance, captive dolphins, captive orcas, China, marine parks, marine connection, report

China Cetacean Alliance (CCA) — a coalition of international and Chinese animal welfare organisations has released its third edition of OCEAN THEME PARKS: China’s Growing Captive Cetacean Industry (2019-2024).

Worryingly, China now holds more orcas in captivity than the United States, the number currently stands at 22.  As of July 2024, there were 101 captive cetacean facilities in operation, housing an estimated 1,307 cetaceans, representing 15 species. Bottlenose dolphins and beluga whales continue to be the most held species,  a further 11 facilities are under construction. The largest ocean theme park operator in China is Haichang Ocean Park Holdings Ltd.

This latest report aims to raise awareness of the serious welfare and management issues associated with capturing free-ranging whales, dolphins, and porpoises and their subsequent holding in ocean theme parks in mainland China. It also recommends that the governing authorities responsible for managing captive cetaceans in China adopt various measures, which can be found in the report.

The China Cetacean Alliance (CCA) comprises the Animal Welfare Institute (AWI), Born Free Foundation (BFF), Endangered Species Fund, Hong Kong Dolphin Conservation Society (HKDCS), Life Investigation Agency (LIA), Marine Connection, and Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC).

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