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Help stop the global trade in wild dolphins and whales

By August 10, 2020April 2nd, 2021No Comments

Wildlife Trade, orcas, dolphins, whales, captivity, wild captures, marine parks, marine connection

Marine Connection is supporting the Campaign to End Wildlife Trade. As members of a coalition of the UK’s leading animal welfare and conservation groups we are, in association with World Animal Protection, calling for a global ban on the trade in wildlife, including dolphins and whales.

With the G20 Summit taking place in Riyadh on 21-22 November this year, we are asking Prime Minister Boris Johnson to take urgent action on behalf of the UK government by calling for, and supporting, a trade ban – ending the suffering and confinement of wild-caught animals for public display and prevent future pandemics such as Covid-19, SARS and other infections which have their roots in the global trade in wildlife.

The petition forms part of the larger campaign on the trade in wildlife with other organisations who are focusing on terrestrial animals and other wildlife trade. As Marine Connection’s area of concern is specifically cetaceans (dolphins, whales and porpoises), that is the main target of our petition, that is why your signature is vital – as you are specifically helping us address the global trade in cetaceans.

This petition, along with others from other wildlife organisations on species other than whales and dolphins, will form part of a larger event where this will be handed in to the Prime Minister in the Autumn.


Your added support will help make a difference.  Please sign and share our petition which, along with other documentation, will be handed into Downing Street prior to the G20 Summit as part of this vital ongoing campaign. 

– YOUR signature will help secure a better future for dolphins & whales

This petition has now closed and we are delighted to report this collaborative effort resulted in over 165,000 signatures from the UK alone.
Thank you, everyone!



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