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Calls to improve standards for captive cetaceans in USA

By November 4, 2021No Comments

captive dolphins, captive whales, USA, tanks, US dept of agriculture, orcas, dolphins, belugas, standards, welfare

In the wild, beluga whales often dive to depths of more than 1,000 feet, yet current US federal standards require that in captivity these majestic whales live in tanks of only 7 feet in depth, and dolphins do not fare any better; two dolphins can be held together in a tank that is just 24 feet long and 7 feet deep.

Care standards for captive cetaceans in the USA, including killer whales, have not been updated since 1984 and democratic lawmakers have now written a letter urging the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) requesting they take immediate steps to update the handling and care standards for captive marine mammals and ensure such standards reflect the most up-to-date science. Currently, these intelligent marine mammals not only have to suffer confinement but do so in woefully cramped conditions, all in the name of entertainment.

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