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Concern grows for the welfare of orca Moana

By November 23, 2021No Comments

 Moana, Marineland Antibes, France, orcas, captivity, One Voice, Marine Connection

For some time, there has been ongoing concern over the unsuitable conditions in which the orcas are being held at Marineland, Antibes (France). There are now growing fears for the welfare of 10-year-old male orca Moana, he is suffering sub-dermal wounds and his state appears to be worsening.

Our colleagues One Voice (France), have launched a campaign for Moana, and are filing a complaint against Marineland for cruelty. Marine Connection supports their actions wholeheartedly, also the call for an independent investigation to be carried out on water quality and general conditions at the facility, plus that data relating to the health of Moana (and the other 3 orcas Inouk, Wikie and Keijo) be made accessible for independent inspection. Marineland should not be allowed to endanger the lives of these orcas by being allowed to continue to operate with the facility in such a state of deterioration.

Recent video footage of Moana at Marineland, Antibes

Photo Credit: courtesy One Voice


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