We are deeply saddened by the way in which Lolita/Tokitae has been treated since her death. A necropsy was deemed necessary, however the body she occupied whilst on this earth should have been treated with respect. She was a living, sentient being – more than a commodity simply to be used in death as she was in life by mankind. Her spirit is now far swimming free, she is Lolita no more but Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut. Our hearts go out to the Lummi Nation and all who worked hard for so many years, campaigning for a better end to her story.
Please take a moment this Sunday 27 September, to remember Tokitae by lighting a candle at Noon (San Juan Island/PDT)/20.00hrs (UK) and 21:00hrs (Europe) when a celebration of life event will take place in her memory from noon to 15:00hrs at Jackson Beach, Friday Harbour, San Juan Island.