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Sunday 27 August – remembering Tokitae

By August 25, 2023August 27th, 2023No Comments

Tokitae, Lolita, orca, Miami Seaquarium, orca death, memorial, san juan island, friday harbour, marine connection, lummi nation

We are deeply saddened by the way in which Lolita/Tokitae has been treated since her death. A necropsy was deemed necessary, however the body she occupied whilst on this earth should have been treated with respect. She was a living, sentient being – more than a commodity simply to be used in death as she was in life by mankind. Her spirit is now far swimming free, she is Lolita no more but Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut. Our hearts go out to the Lummi Nation and all who worked hard for so many years, campaigning for a better end to her story.

Please take a moment this Sunday 27 September, to remember Tokitae by lighting a candle at Noon (San Juan Island/PDT)/20.00hrs (UK) and 21:00hrs (Europe) when a celebration of life event will take place in her memory from noon to 15:00hrs at Jackson Beach, Friday Harbour, San Juan Island.

Join event via livestream

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