This epic short film “The Girl with the Whale” by ad company Ogilvy was specifically created to raise awareness about the 2 million tons of plastic waste produced every year…
World Oceans Day is held every year on 8th June to raise awareness of the vital importance of our oceans and the role they play in sustaining a healthy planet….
Despite cetaceans in UK waters being protected by wildlife legislation, in recent weeks there have been several reports of dolphins being harassed by people on jet skis and personal watercraft…
Celebrating Southern Resident Orcas, icons of the Pacific Northwest and helping this endangered population by raising awareness of the threats they are facing. From the late 1960s, live captures of…
Ship collisions pose a significant threat to whales and dolphins worldwide and can occur in the world’s oceans where ships and cetaceans co-occur. Types of vessels documented in strikes include…
As part of our ongoing work to raise awareness and stop new facilities being established to display captive dolphins and whales, Marine Connection routinely joins forces with other groups/individuals working…
Recent footage via VR.RU shows beluga whales living in two very different worlds – as four captive beluga whales swim around their small enclosed sea pens at Primorsky Oceanarium, Russia,…
Only found in the Sea of Cortez, Mexico the population of Vaquita has been in dramatic decline due to the use of gill-nets. Vaquita are frequently caught in these nets…
LATEST UPDATE 13:05:20 Necropsy carried out shows Zafar was hit by some type of vessel, (probably a boat or ship) suffering major damage to his body by the collision. It’s…
Ocean Park, Hong Kong could go out of business by the end of June if no financial assistance is forthcoming. The theme park is seeking approval from legislators for an…